Module 6

These course courses are prerequisites to receiving a Bachelor of Ministry in Biblical Counseling.

BBC155M6C1 Skills Training (3 credit hours)
Skills training is introduced; the student will learn the 8 counseling skills. Practical interaction in group and one-on-one counseling will be practiced in the class room setting. This course is practical and experiential. This is a study of the theological foundations for counseling. The course explores biblical teachings concerning the nature of human beings, their brokenness, unhealthy coping skills, dysfunctional and unhealthy patterns of living and the usefulness of counseling in helping individuals move toward more self-awareness, productive and healthy relationships and living.

EDU310M6C2 Early Childhood and Adult Lifetime Safety Rules of Learning (3 credit hours)
Develop, implement and evaluate developmentally thematic and emergent curriculum for typical children. Develop and apply appropriate practices and effective techniques that respect cultural diversity among children and families Integrate an educational philosophy into the classroom Develop and implement a system of ongoing observational practices that contributes toward the creation of learning environments conducive to the emergence of curriculum that adapts to the evolving needs of children The course provides a general overview of the crisis intervention from a practitioners (counselor or social worker, church leader, community worker) standpoint. Students will explore various models used in adjudicating the severity of a clients presenting crisis situation in gaining some sense of direction in helping the client cope with the dilemma. This course introduces students to the profession of social work, its value base, field of practice, and societal role. The course addresses topics major relating to social problems, philosophies of social welfare provision, program and policy initiative, and the response of social work as a profession.

RS301M6C3 Pastoral Ministry (3 credit hours) - Buy the book here.
This is a study of the practical side of a minister's life and duties. It will include instruction in the proper manner of services, and a discussion of many of the problems a pastor faces. This course introduces students to the sociological study of religion and how these perspectives relate to theology or the Christian doctrines. The study provides an overview of theories that explain the integration of religion and meaning of life; religion and scientific explanations. The course challenges students to think critically on the components of world religions and the future of the Christian doctrines. Some of the topics discussed in this course include functionalist perspectives, conflict perspectives, symbolic interactions perspectives on religion, types of religious organization, developmental approaches to religion, religion and health, religion and coping with stress and religion and drugs.

BBC157M6C4 Skills Training II (3 credit hours) - Buy the book here.
This is an in-depth exploration of the concepts introduced in BBC 155. More practice time is given to the student's experiential learning, including groups and one-on-one counseling "in" and "outside" the class. This course presents an introduction to the theory and strategies of conflict resolution, with special emphasis on conflict in interpersonal relationships. The study will help learners to understand the nature of human and interpersonal conflicts, and models and constructive ways to deal with conflict in various situations. Consideration is given to biblical models of conflict resolution.